Networking between LIFE AgroClimaWater and LIFE OlivaresVivos projects

During the International Conference "Climate Changing Agriculture” organized by LIFE OliveClima project (August 29th - September 2nd, 2017), networking activities took place between LIFE AgroClimaWater, LIFE OlivaresVivos and LIFE Olive Clima projects.

Dr G. Arampatzis from Land Reclamation Institute (LRI), Dr Ν. Kourgialas from Institute of Olive Trees, Subtropical Plants and Viticulture (IOTSP) and G. Michalopoulos from RodaxAgro (members of the LIFE AgroClimaWater and Olive Clima projects) participated in a networking meeting with Prof. Pedro Ray and Carlos Ruiz-Gonzalez from University of Jaen and Jose E. Gutierrez from SEO BirdLife (members of LIFE OlivaresVivos project). During the network meeting ongoing activities of the different projects were outlined, while seeking for possible cooperation in the future. However, the two LIFE projects agreed to cooperate in the joint organisation of dissemination events, which will be held in Spain, Greece and Italy, and also to generally participate in dissemination activities that will be implemented in the context of the two LIFE projects, LIFE AgroClimaWater and LIFE OlivaresVivos. This is because neither Spain has a partner in the LIFE AgroClimaWater project, nor Greece has one in LIFE OlivaresVivos project.

Moreover, a scheduled visit to LIFE AgroClimaWater pilot farms of Platanias took place, where the LIFE OlivaresVivos members were escorted by G. Psarras from IOTSP and G. Motakis from Platanias Municipality Development Enterprise (KEDHP). They had the opportunity to visit 2 pilot olive orchards and be informed about the ongoing activities in the control and demonstration plots. During the visit, the experience of applying similar practices in Spain was discussed and the approach followed in LIFE OlivaresVivos, which focuses on orchard biodiversity, was presented. In order for the visitors to get a better idea of the local situation concerning such approaches within the Municipality of Platanias, visits to traditional, non-pilot farms in the area were also included in the visit.

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